Ports as Driving Wheels of
Entrepreneurial Realm
PoWER – Ports as driving Wheels of Entrepreneurial Realm – is a European Project funded under the INTERREG V B ADRION Programme.
PoWER challenges the ADRION Programme Priority Innovative and Smart Region by prototyping and testing a methodology for supporting the evolution of Adrion ports into Innovation Hubs in 6 piloting areas.
PoWER fosters collaboration among the key actors of the Innovation Supply Chain (cognitive institutions, enterprises and Public Administration) – both at local and at transnational level – in order to exploit the yet untapped entrepreneurial potential of these port areas.
By December 2019 PoWER will deliver a tested methodology and a strategy as well as an ad hoc ICT tool supporting their implementation in all the Adrion ports entering the PoWER Innovation Hubs network.
The PoWER Consortium covers 6 nations thanks to the cooperation of 9 strategic partners:
- ITC-CNR: Institute for Construction Technologies – National Research Council of Italy (Lead Partner)
- CNA: Confederation of Handcrafts and of SMEs – Association of the Province of Ravenna
- RDA Porin: Rijeka Development Agency Porin Ltd
- CETEOR: Centre for economic, technological and environmental development Sarajevo
- FEP: European Affairs Fund
- CDI: Cooperation and Development Institute
- Durres Municipality
- CERTH: Centre for Research and Technology Hellas
- Chamber of Thesprotia
Novi Sad event has been completed with great success
The 2-day event of the POWER project has been completed.
At the first day there was the public event, which consited of two