Rijeka Development Agency Porin, Milutina Barača 62 – Rijeka, Croatia
Matchmaking Event
The first out of three events that will be organized by the PoWER Consortium.
The PoWER events are crucial moments to start-up and consolidate relationships among the numerous actors of the innovation value chain that the project aims to reconnect.
Four main sessions are scheduled:
The Demo
Three-minutes pitches by the entrepreneurs who won the PoWER Call for Solutions will follow.
The exhibition
A dedicated space to display the PoWER approach and results achieved so far.
The Working Seminar
This is the chance to better understand the intrinsic features, issues, as well as potential, of the Adriatic-Ionian Ports.
The Matchmaking sessions
The Gaming Sessions evaluation
The day will open with the transnational evaluation of the entrepreneurial ideas produced by high school and university students to address the needs emerged from the ports’ data analysis and energy assessment. The best ideas will be officially awarded during the next meeting in Novi Sad and will enter the PoWER Ideas & Solutions Data base.